PB&ME Food Truck

#AtoZChallenge | F is for Food Trucks and a Super Meta A to Z List for Maine

There is something nostalgic about ordering food from a truck that adds an element of magic to the entire dining experience.

My college campus had three distinct sections or groupings of dorms when I was in school there over thirty years ago. I’m sure it’s changed. For the most part you stayed in your area. It helped make the large, sprawling campus more manageable. The one exception was after a late night out. The only food truck on campus was not located in my “section” so occasionally we’d venture away from our home territory to fill our hunger. So delicious!

Today there is a renaissance going on in the food truck world. You can find a food truck for just about every type of food. It’s truly amazing. These are not the food trucks of my college days offering greasy fries and cheese burgers after a late night out, although I’m sure you can still find those too. That’s the creative beauty of food trucks. There is something for everyone.

For this post, I’m going meta and below is an A to Z list of some intriguing Maine based food trucks and carts. I’ve highlighted the menu item from each mobile dining experience that speaks to me and is guaranteed to up my level of Bliss.

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Seven reasons why you should join a CSA.

Kohlrabi is not a vegetable that I would have even been able to identify let alone know how to prepare a year ago but that has all changed. This past summer we enjoyed fresh, local vegetables as part of our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share at Frith Farm.

Joining a CSA had been on my bucket list for many years, but I kept missing the signup period which generally happens in the winter. I usually don’t start thinking about summer vegetables until the weather turns warmer but the shares are typically sold out by that time.

I’m happy that we finally planned ahead and signed up for a share this past year. I loved getting our vegetables each week even if I wasn’t always sure how to prepare them. As for that kohlrabi, we tried a few fun ways to eat it over the summer from leaving it raw in salads, to roasting it with other vegetables. It was all good!

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Cabbage Island Clambakes | A True Maine Experience

From the time we stepped onto the Bennie Alice for our boat ride to Cabbage Island until returning to Boothbay Harbor later that evening, everyone associated with Cabbage Island Clambakes was incredibly friendly and attentive. It’s impressive when the service stands out as much as the lobster at a clambake although the lobster was amazing too.

Our evening tour departed from Pier 6 in Boothbay Harbor at 5:00 pm but the line to board was already winding around the corner and deep when we arrived a little before 4:30 pm. No one seemed concerned with the wait, as pockets of people chatting casually with one another. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the beautiful summer night.

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Friday Favorites | Five food activities happening in Maine this weekend.

We’re five weeks into our first year enjoying fresh, local vegetables from our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share. I’m so happy that we finally planned ahead and signed up for a share this year. I love getting our vegetables each week even if I’m not always sure how to prepare them. But, I’m learning. Each week is a new adventure.

While I believe in eating local year round, summer is an especially wonderful time of year to do it. There are so many great options available. For this week’s Friday Favorites, here are five food related activities happening in Maine this weekend.

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V is for Vintage Maine Kitchen | Creatively flavored, all-natural potato chips.

One of the first snacks I ever made for my Dad was a french fry sandwich which was exactly what you think it would be: french fries slathered in ketchup served between bread. This was not because I was young and creating whimsical food combinations. My Dad had requested it. He liked french fry sandwiches. It may have been an unusual way to eat french fries, but it’s not surprising that potatoes would be on the menu.

One thing Maine has is potatoes. We usually show up somewhere in the top ten for states that grow the most potatoes. We’re never at number one, but are always well represented. It’s something in enough abundance that I can almost always buy local ones during my food shopping excursions and I was happy to discover a local company making something especially delicious out of Maine potatoes. Now I have another fun way to support Maine potato growers.

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