#atozchallenge | Reflections… Third Times a Charm

I am now a three-time survivor of the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  It was a little more intense for me this year since I waited until late March to make my final decision on whether or not to participate leaving my window to research, write and prep everything to only a few weeks since I like to keep April focused on all the social aspects of the challenge. April is when I spend my time visiting and commenting on other blogs not actually writing posts. Interacting with other bloggers is my favorite part of the challenge.

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#AtoZChallenge | Z is for Zero Degrees, Staying Warm and Embracing Winter

I went to Iceland in January three years ago. When packing for my trip, I knew I needed to bring warm clothing as we were taking an adventure tour and would be spending most of our time outside exploring. Packing for Iceland wasn’t a problem because the first thing I learned upon arriving is that Maine is colder.

Having the right winter gear is essential if you want to truly embrace winter. You’re not going to have fun if you are cold or wet. So how do I dress for winter? Layers, Layers, Layers. The colder the weather, the more you want add on the layers.

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#AtoZChallenge | Y is for Yarmouth and an Island Hike at Littlejohn Island Preserve

There are over 4,600 islands off the Maine coast. Some are more remote than others. In winter, all are a little quieter.

Some islands are actually accessible by road including two off the coast of Yarmouth: Cousins and Littlejohn Islands. Littlejohn Island has a preserve that includes a hiking trail with scenic views of Casco Bay.

We actually hiked the trail a few days into spring so the snow cover was spotty but the wind chill was intense making it feel like we were still in winter. We hiked late on a Sunday afternoon which probably impacted the cooler temperatures.

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#AtoZChallenge | X is for Xerochilia and Six Ways to Fix It.

So, it’s at the point in this blogging challenge, where I really have to dig deep for something to use for the letter X. As always, I start randomly scrolling through X words and definitions in the hopes that something will click. In this case, it did click and, while this is more of a medical term, it does fit my theme.

Here is a definition of xerochilia from dictionary.com, “Dryness of the lips.” Guess what? There is no shortage of dry lips during the winter months.

How to deal with this perennial problem? Here are seven lip care products made by Maine based companies designed to help with dry lips:

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#AtoZChallenge | W is for Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Snow is prettiest right after it falls. Once it’s on the ground for a few days, it immediately starts getting dirtied up with life and loses that pristine whiteness. But, right after a storm? It is incredibly beautiful.

My favorite winter scene is once the storm has stopped leaving behind a snow covered landscape.  When every part of nature is draped in white it’s magical. I especially love seeing trees turned completely white by the clinging snow.

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