Photo Challenge for March | Breathe

I am not someone who is easily bored and lately I’ve been in creative overdrive. It’s helping to balance out the monotony of life under COVID-19 restrictions. I have a few projects that are taking up most of my time this month. I’m preparing for the April A to Z blogging challenge and will have my theme reveal post for that project on March 8th. I am also currently spending weekends fixing up a family beach house as we get ready to transition it into a rental property. We’re still in the fixing the broken stuff phase but I did paint some sample colors on the walls this past weekend so the fun stuff is getting closer. 

And, as I do every month, I’m working on my One Little Word® prompts. My vision board came together quickly for February and this month we’re focusing on developing a monthly practice. Last year I actually did two monthly practices – meditation and working on my blog. They both went well and I enjoyed them but this year I want to do something a little different. I loved the approach of the guest instructor Victoria Calvin which was to focus on tackling something light, creative and easy. I really want this prompt to have more of a creative connection to my word Breathe and not add stress to my life. Continue reading

#AtoZChallenge | E is for Evening and the Creativity it Brings.

While I don’t have a favorite Mr. Darcy as no matter who plays the role, in the end, Jane Austen’s story will bring me around to the same conclusion as Elizabeth Bennet. I too love Mr. Darcy. I’ve watched every version or homage made, from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies to the classic BBC version with Colin Firth. The latter I watch at least a few times every year, but I’ve learned never to start watching it after 9 pm.

The mini-series is 327 minutes, or just over five and a half hours. And even though it may be my twentieth viewing, once I start watching I don’t stop until it’s done. While I’m sure the allure of Mr. Darcy has a great deal to do with it, in reality the reason I’ll stay up way too late is that I’m a night owl and when fully engaged, whether with a classic like Pride and Prejudice or more typically on a craft project, I just don’t want to stop. All of my senses come awake.

For my One Little Word® project, each month we’re given a prompt and activities around our word. They are usually a combination of writing prompts along with artistic, or creative components.

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A to Z 2020 Theme Reveal

#AtoZChallenge | A Blissful Theme Reveal

Have you ever started a project or activity only to glance up at the time and realize five hours had passed?  Getting so engaged in the task at hand that time faded away? Pure bliss.

Bliss is a powerful word. It goes beyond mere happiness and joy. It can also feel fleeting or momentary.  This year my goal is to focus on rediscovering those things in my life that bring me true bliss.

I’ve embarked on another One Little Word® journey. I blogged about this project and my previous words, in my post One Little Word® Memory Keeping Project.  Essentially, you pick a word to guide you for the year. Each month you participate in a variety of tasks and creative projects to reinforce your intentions around the word.

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One Little Word Scrapbook

One Little Word® Memory Keeping Project

I started scrapbooking a short time after my girls were born, but in reality, I’ve always been a memory keeper. My college picture albums included captions, detailed notes on who was in each picture, and other memorabilia. I’ve always loved pulling the story together. It’s one of the reasons that I’m interested in blogging. It’s another way of tracking memories and telling stories.

As life has gotten busier, it has been harder to find time to do paper scrapbooking. In an effort to incorporate more creativity into my life, I started participating in the One Little Word® project by Ali Edwards one of my absolute favorite Memory Keepers. I have been following Ali since I started with scrapbooking, and her book was one of the first ones I bought on the topic, A Designer’s Eye for Scrapbooking. Her style is visually beautiful and has just the right balance of clean lines and artistic touches.

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