#atozchallenge | J is for Jewelry Making at Artascope Studios

As you may have noticed from my blog, I love to do crafts. It’s why I have an entire menu option dedicated to projects on my website. I usually have some craft activity happening. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to my to-do list because I can’t seem to stop adding craft projects. I blame those genetics on my father. He’s always adding to his to-do list although his “crafts” usually involve power tools and six trips to Home Depot.

I’m always on the lookout to learn a new craft too. A few years ago, I started taking some Art Night Out® classes at Artascope Studios. After a few classes, I got a little braver and signed up for their “boot camp” which unlike a fitness boot camp did not build strength and fitness although it did exercise my creative muscles. Boot camp included three classes and a three-month membership in their studio. While some of the classes, offered at both art night out and boot camp, were for crafts that I had tried before, I did expand into other areas.

The most unique classes for me were jewelry making. I had never really done any jewelry crafts unless you count a few shrinky dink projects I did with the girls when they were younger. In the end, I created four different types of jewelry. While all of these classes ultimately produced jewelry, the thing I loved most is that I also learned different skills in each one. And, my dad would be proud because I used some power tools in the process.

Below is the name and description from Artascope Studios on the classes that I took, along with my take-away from each class:

  1. Collage Resin Pendant. “Design your own mini collages then turn them into high quality customized jewelry by preserving them in Ice Resin .  Using background papers, small photos and found text from our extensive collection of collage ephemera, you will create very personalized pendants.”  I learned to love Ice Resin in this class. Such a cool material and something I’ve actually used in my own crafts since taking the class. The biggest project I’ve done so far was creating almost one hundred decorated Ice Resin filled bottle caps to make a frame around my office cork board. It was so time-consuming, but they came out adorable and it was a lot of fun. I just couldn’t use my kitchen for a month while I worked on the project.
  2. Fused Glass Jewelry. “Immerse yourself the world of hot glass while exploring dichroic glass and fusing. Learn about the special glass used to create this beautiful layered look! Students will be encouraged to experiment with glass, materials and design.” I had never cut glass, or worked with it that much in my previous crafts. It was interesting to see how all the colors combined after they went though the kiln. I was happy with the pendants I made, but I’m not sure how much creative control I had since I really had no idea how it would look in the end.
  3. “My Vibe” Leather Bracelet. “Make an ultra-hip “My Vibe” Euro-Leather bracelet with a nice selection in colors, textures, finishes and charms.”  I signed up for this one because I couldn’t find another class that fit my schedule at the time. I had no expectations but sometimes that’s the best way to approach something. I was working on my One Little Word® project at the time and my symbol for my word embrace was a heart, so this bracelet became my visible reminder of my word for the year. I love my bracelet and actually still wear it a lot.
  4. Twisted Wire Ring. “Learn how to solder in just one night and make a ring you can proudly say you made yourself! This is your opportunity to try out metalsmithing without a big commitment. You will learn the basic tools and methods for metalsmithing including how to use the acetylene torch”.  I made a ring! And, it actually looks like a ring. This was probably the class that was the biggest stretch for me and the most traditional as far as jewelry making. I enjoyed the project and learning how to use all the tools, but I’m still more of a paper crafter.

I’m overdue to try a new art class. Maybe I’ll treat myself after I recover from the A-Z blogging challenge. It looks like the classes have changed a bit at Artascope and that they’re now offering multi-class artist series as well as extended one-day workshops. They’ve also added another location in Yarmouth. I love that they’re continuing to grow and expand.

I also saw that Localvore Today is offering a discounted coupon for a one day workshop at Artascope. The coupon may not still be available depending on when you read this blog. If not, it’s worth checking out the other offerings that Locavore has. They have some really great deals in the Portland area.

There are a still a few crafts that I haven’t tried yet. The Saltwater Etching for Copper class looks intriguing and I could use some new jewelry. Time to sign up again I think!

Jewelry Making | Artascope Studios

things to know
Artascope Studios 352 Cottage Road in South Portland, ME
48 Railroad Square in Yarmouth, ME
Phone (207) 799-5154
Website Artascope Studios
Favorite ♥ “My Vibe” Leather Bracelet

I’m participating in a Blogging A-Z Challenge for April 2016. I will be posting new content every day except Sundays. Each post is associated with a letter of the alphabet, starting with A and ending with Z. My theme for the challenge is Life in Maine, and each post will in some way relate to Maine. There are over 1500 other bloggers participating in the challenge. Click HERE to learn more.

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27 thoughts on “#atozchallenge | J is for Jewelry Making at Artascope Studios

  1. suzannerogersonfantasyauthor says:

    When I decided to do the AtoZ challenge I wanted to focus on crafts. Jewellery making was one of my choices. However, I didn’t have time to research everything and have stuck to easier posts like Jam Making.
    These are some great pieces of jewellery. Maybe I’ll get the chance to look into it more for the challenge next year.


    • Weekends in Maine says:

      It was actually really easy but the risk of breakage is definitely there. I liked it but really didn’t feel like I understood how the end product would look. I think it’s something I’d need to do a few times to really understand it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yvonne V says:

    This was really interesting! Thanks for sharing. I’d like to do some book-related crafts to create “swag” for my upcoming novel. I may need to look into ice resin….


    • Weekends in Maine says:

      I didn’t think jewelry making was my thing until I wrote this post and realized I’d done more jewelry crafts than I realized. Thank you for visiting and I hope you do make it to Maine. It’s a great state!


  3. sizzlesue15 says:

    I’ve just discovered your blog and I loved your post about jewelry. I envy people who have that talent for making creative things. Unfortunately, I missed out on the creative gene – never mind. I’m going back to read your other posts. Sue @Sizzling60 from
    Sizzling Towards Sixty


  4. dyannedillon says:

    I made some jewelry last year for the A to Z Challenge. I made some really pretty glass pendants. I don’t know how to make the chain parts, though, and just put them on a ribbon. Something I need to learn….


  5. Greenpatches says:

    It looks really interesting. Plus, I guess power tools aren’t needed for jewelery making. I don’t do it myself, but have a favourite homemade pendant I wear most days that Mr GP bought me from a crafts market in New York.


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