A to Z 2020 Theme Reveal

#AtoZChallenge | A Blissful Theme Reveal

Have you ever started a project or activity only to glance up at the time and realize five hours had passed?  Getting so engaged in the task at hand that time faded away? Pure bliss.

Bliss is a powerful word. It goes beyond mere happiness and joy. It can also feel fleeting or momentary.  This year my goal is to focus on rediscovering those things in my life that bring me true bliss.

I’ve embarked on another One Little Word® journey. I blogged about this project and my previous words, in my post One Little Word® Memory Keeping Project.  Essentially, you pick a word to guide you for the year. Each month you participate in a variety of tasks and creative projects to reinforce your intentions around the word.

I chose bliss as my word this year because I want to rediscover my passions and what I truly enjoy spending time doing. I want to focus on what is important and meaningful to me. While sometimes this will happen organically, the reality is that you need to be intentional and make choices that lead you on the right path to finding bliss.

Below are some quotes about bliss that really resonated with me:

Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real. ~ Deepak Chopra

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls. ~ Joseph Campbell

Both quotes spoke to why I picked bliss as my word this year. I think it is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves to connect with our passions and unfortunately, life can sometimes get in the way.

At the start of the project, we answer some questions specific to the year ahead one of which is “What do you fear most in the coming year?”

I am lucky. I don’t have much fear tied to the coming year. I’m more excited than fearful. If I had to pick something, it would be that I fear not making forward progress on focusing on those things that bring me true joy. I was listening to the Armchair Expert podcast recently and Dax was interviewing Sam Harris. They were talking about how time is the only real commodity we have as humans. I would agree. I am fearful of wasting the time I have left by not focusing on the important things.

We also map out intentions for the year in ways we hope to connect with our word. One of my intentions was to resume blogging and to participate in the A to Z Challenge again after taking last year off.  Creativity is definitely a component of bringing bliss into my life and blogging is one of my creative outlets.

When deciding on my theme for the A to Z Challenge, I decided to combine my word with my intention around blogging.

My A to Z Challenge this year will focus on the many ways I have experienced or can invite bliss into my life. The posts will cover a variety of topics but the underlying theme connecting them all will be that they somehow relate to bliss.

Many of the posts will include topics related to Maine because living in this beautiful state is definitely one of the things that brings me bliss. Other posts may not include a Maine component as I have other things I’m exploring on my journey with my word.

And it is a journey.

Have you ever selected a word to guide you for the year?

WIM Signature

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I’m participating in a Blogging A-Z Challenge for April 2020. I will be posting new content every day this month except most Sundays. Each post is associated with a letter of the alphabet, starting with A and ending with Z. My theme for the challenge is Bliss. To read more of my A to Z posts from this year, click HERE.

56 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge | A Blissful Theme Reveal

  1. scr4pl80 says:

    Great theme. I have done the Ali Edwards course before and it is such fun. Very insightful too. My word this year is Drive. I’ll be posting my theme reveal shortly. Good luck on the challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nilanjana Bose says:

    In answer to your question, can’t say I have a word for the year, but it seems a totally cool way to build one’s experience of it. Good luck with the A-Z!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anne M Bray says:

    Lovely concept! My visits to Maine have, on the most part, been quite blissful! (What I would do for a meal at Bob’s Clam Hut in Kittery right now!)
    And blissful is definitely the embroidering I’m stitching on my current Big Art Project, which will be my one of my A-Z targets next month. (Doing two). Over the past couple of years, I’ve been reconnecting with tactile, crafty, fiber arts activities that I practiced a lot in high school. I think it has come about as a reaction to all the digital work that I do daily (both art and day jobs).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. lindamaycurry says:

    We certainly need all the Bliss we can take at the moment so I look forward to some cheering posts. If I had a word for the year it would be Home. As outside activities are axed one by one I appreciate the comfort and familiarity of the place I have lived in for 45 years. My A to Z this year is historical fiction based on the lives on my mother and grandmother (names changed). See you in April.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sue says:

    Thanks for stopping my Reveal. I’m looking forward to year 12 of participating. What a refreshing theme in using your ‘Word’ of the year. I’m looking forward to seeing your posts especially the ones about your beautiful state of Maine. I can see you bringing ‘Bliss’ to the AtoZ Challenge.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal


  6. Carol says:

    I chose vision as my word for 2020 and I need the vision to look beyond the day and have hope for the future. I will be looking forward to following your bliss.


  7. April Moore says:

    Great theme! We can all use some bliss, particularly, ways to cultivate our own. I just finished reading The Book of Delights by Ross Gay. It’s comprised of short little essays about finding delight in his everyday life. It’s a wonderful book. Looking forward to your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dashy says:

    Beautiful theme. I have previously chosen a new word at the beginning of each year when writing my diary, something new that I wanted or needed for the year. It did help in focusing on that goal as I continued to write and reflect on it throughout the year. I think it’s a great practice.
    Bliss is a beautiful feeling. I can imagine how blissful your journey shall be in April. 🙂 I’m a little nervous about my own theme, but it is something that I need to do.

    All the best for the journey! See you in April 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Ninu Nair says:

    This is such a blissful theme…I have heard about this, choosing a word at the beginning of the year but never practiced. And, you are doing a whole series! Hopefully, after reading your series, I will have more clarity and include this in my life next year! Best Wishes!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. M. Diane Rogers says:

    Bliss is a great word to focus on – whether it’s reflecting deep or fleeting feelings. I’m very interested in reading your Challenge articles. My word this year was Colour. So far it has been a bit of a challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

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