#AtoZChallenge | Origami peace doves to add some whimsy to my windows

For our most recent GISH hunt, I folded an origami peace dove for one of the challenges. I really loved how it came out and the peace dove quickly became one of my favorite origami shapes.


I liked the dove so much that I decided to create an entire flight of peace doves and display them in a mobile.

While my first peace dove was a success, it had been eight months and I needed a refresher on how to put one together. I also wasn’t sure on the size of paper I should use so this step provided a nice test run. I pulled out some scrap paper and tried making a few practice doves using various sizes of square paper.

In the end, I decided to go with the larger doves for this project so I stuck to 10″ square paper.

Once I perfected my technique, I needed to decide on the pattern and weight of paper to use. I wanted something with a little more weight than typically used for origami but it needed to be light enough to fold. Fortunately, there are not too many folds in this design and I have a great roller that I use in place of a bone folder to really secure the folded edges giving me the option to use heavier paper without too many issues.

Initially I was going to use the same pattern for all my doves but liked how the various patterns and colors worked together when using different papers so decided to go the more colorful route.

Folding Steps

Now it was time to make my peace doves for the mobile. I used instructions from Tavin’s Origami Instructions on YouTube. It’s not a complicated pattern but it was nice to be able to follow along to the video. Below is a slide show that details each step in making an origami peace dove.

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My husband watched me as I was making my peace doves and asked how many tries before I could make them from memory. It was about three doves. That last fold took me a few tries to master.

Making the doves was the easy part. Deciding how to create my mobile took a lot longer. I debated many different options for my mobile structure and almost bought a hanging picture display which I think would have worked but then I remembered something I had stashed away with my gardening supplies.

I have some old wire circles that have ridged edges. I’ve never used them and I’m not even sure how you use them for gardening. I found them years ago at a yard sale and just liked the design. They turned out to be the perfect choice for my structure.

I grouped three of the circles together into a rough sphere shape and tied them at the intersection points with twine to secure. I then hung them from the center point of the two upstairs windows in my hall so that I could have a mobile in front of each.

Once I had the structure, it was time to play. I used office clips on the back of my doves and hung them with sewing thread to get a sense of the overall design. I used ornament hooks on the top so I could move them around the mobile easily. This helped me decide on the number and placement of peace doves for the mobile but it wasn’t attractive.

Once I had my design down, I bought more decorative clips and hanging wire. I ended up using small circular clips and hanging the peace doves with fishing line so the string would be almost invisible.

I am so happy with how they came out. I thought of stopping this project after making the origami peace doves without creating the mobile especially when I struggled to decide on the final structure. I’m so glad that I followed through to the end.

While I didn’t think this project would have a huge impact, I can honestly say that every time I come up my stairs and turn towards my bedroom these mobiles catch me by surprise and make me smile.

They add the perfect touch of whimsy to an otherwise plain set of windows. Since they’re attached via clips and can be easily removed, I can swap out the doves too. Maybe I’ll go with orange and black ones for Halloween next year.

Have you ever done an origami project? What did you make?

I’m participating in a Blogging A-Z Challenge for April 2021. I will be posting new content every day this month except most Sundays. Each post is associated with a letter of the alphabet, starting with A and ending with Z. My theme for the challenge is Craft Projects for my Home. To read more of my A to Z posts from this year, click HERE.

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38 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge | Origami peace doves to add some whimsy to my windows

  1. Anne M Bray says:

    You did an origami post too! (Sorry about the commenting issues on mine).
    My origami cube fever started with an IG friend’s purchase of an origami octahedron necklace.
    It then grew exponentially!
    Maybe I should go the mobile route too. I haven’t figured out how to display them, since they’re intended as “art objects”. My instagram has videos of most being rotated as well. I need to come up with a general hashtag for them… #amb_cube it is! https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/amb_cube/


    • Weekends in Maine says:

      I think I was able to comment so hopefully it went through okay. Love that you picked origami too but that our posts were still so different. It speaks to how versatile origami is. So many amazing creations.


  2. Arti Jain says:

    Love the dove and the quote in the first pic. Can you imagine a field/garden/park full of such beautiful doves and wonderful quotes Karen? This would make a fabulous décor option for weddings and birthdays and gatherings and then the guests can take a quote and a dove home as a reminder of the event.
    Please patent the idea:) and you should collaborate with event planners (unless you already do so). You are so talented.


  3. mollyscanopy says:

    Great post — every year in NYC, Japan Airlines sets up a tree covered in origami peace doves, although I am not sure if they did so last year. Your doves are excellent. And, by the way, I put my plant labels in the garden yesterday. Thanks for the inspiration!


  4. Jeanne Bryan Insalaco says:

    I bought the granddaughters in Florida origami paper for our last trip. While I haven’t tackled any they are enjoying it. I just forwarded your post to their mom to show them. I’ll have to order me some paper to play around with. My first origami was when my pen pals in Hawaii sent me cranes they folded. I was intrigued as I’d never seen them before. Another Great post!


  5. Sarah says:

    Do you have a link for the clips that you used? I’m trying to figure out how to hang a bunch of doves and would love the link or name if you have either or both. Thanks!!


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