#AtoZChallenge | H is for Hidden Under the Snow

As I was going through all of my winter pictures to decide what I wanted to including in my posts for this A to Z challenge, I started coming across a number of pictures of things partially hidden by mounds of snow and slowly a thought for H came into focus.

We try to bring things inside before the more intense winter weather hits but inevitably each year there are a few items that either by intention, or a lack of time, stay outside and have to brave the elements.  As winter progresses, they start to get more and more hidden by the snow.

After particularly intense storms, they sometimes almost fully disappear becoming abstract white sculptures only identifiable by the general shape but as spring gets closer they slowly emerge coming back to life and hinting at the warmer days ahead.

While these snow-covered objects are often fun to see, generally it is a lingering reminder that we didn’t get through our fall to-do list and that our spring cleanup will be a little more intense. Something left outside in the winter, means more cleaning, scraping and painting to get it ready for the summer season. I blogged about our spring chores in my post Finding the zen and a splash of green in our spring projects.

Some things have to stay outside for the winter, but for all those other items I’d rather have them stored safely away rather than slowly deteriorating under mounds of white snow. Even so, they do look pretty dressed in white.

Have you ever left something out in the snow and regretted it?

Hidden (1)Hidden (4)Hidden (5)Hidden (7)Hidden (8)

I’m participating in a Blogging A-Z Challenge for April 2018. I will be posting new content every day this month except most Sundays. Each post is associated with a letter of the alphabet, starting with A and ending with Z. My theme for the challenge is Winters in Maine. To read more of my A to Z posts, click HERE.

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28 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge | H is for Hidden Under the Snow

  1. John Holton says:

    Years ago, we had this cat that hung around our house all the time. One Friday night, I had come home from a business trip, and it was misty and rainy outside. I asked Mary if we should let the cat in, and she said, “oh, no, she’ll be fine.” The next morning I got up and saw that the rain had changed to snow overnight, and immediately I thought of the cat. We let her in, and it was like those cartoons where someone gets stuck outside in the snow and is more a large snowball with legs… Turned out well for her: she spent the rest of her life as an inside cat.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. lindamaycurry says:

    No snow here but I love the idea of snow covered shapes. We built a new deck which we built to catch the winter sun. So far we have only experienced a summer on it and it has been very hot. The plastic rattan furniture has stood up very well so far but we put it indoors when we go away and the seat covers go inside very night.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Weekends in Maine says:

      It is more work but it really does help to bring things like that inside whenever possible to reduce the impact of weather extremes (hot or cold). I’ve learned that the hard way.

      Good luck with your first winter with the new deck!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Liam says:

    I left our beautiful Flexible Flyer sled outside the house so it would be easy to grab the next day, and somebody stole it! I regret leaving that sled in the snow, because they don’t make them like that anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sarah Ferguson and Choppy says:

    I have a picture of my car from a few years ago, where the snow is so high and drifted that you can hardly tell there is a car under it. If only there had been room in the garage that day for it, much shoveling and clearing of snow could have been avoided.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. jazzfeathers says:

    I know. These things left outside will give you more work to do in spring (as if it weren’t an already damanding season!), but look at the good dise: picture are fascinating. Sometimes you don’t even recognise the orignal form and they become ‘magical’ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. aurawithwriting says:

    When I see these pictures, I’m like how come I never clicked snow covered objects??!! They are beautiful, I love the perspective. Also find it interesting the way you are lining up the posts for your theme! Keep going 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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