#atozchallenge | Reflections on my First Time

I survived my first A to Z Blogging Challenge and I’m feeling pretty happy with myself. I was confident that I would finish as I’ve always had good follow through on projects, but the real question was would I scrape by and limp towards the finish line. While I feel like I did in fact finish strong, I had to step back and wait a week before tackling this reflections post so maybe there was a small bit of limping at the end.

Being new to blogging I had set some personal goals with participating in my first challenge.

  1. Build Content for my Site. I now have content on my site. I really do! Although I hope to look back someday with thousands of posts under my belt and think how cute it was that I was excited when I hit 26 posts. But until that time, I’m going to celebrate this milestone.
  2. Write Consistently. Coming up with 26 days of content forces you to write consistently which makes the process more comfortable. I still haven’t quite figured out my transition to a normal blogging schedule but I’m not afraid of a blank screen. I filled up 26 of them.
  3. Improve My Writing Skills. I recognize that I still have a lot of work to do in this area, but I definitely saw myself getting better as the challenge progressed. While writing every day certainly helped, visiting some of the other amazing writing blogs participating in the challenge was equally helpful.
  4. Develop My Blogging Voice. This is another area that will continue to evolve and improve, but the challenge certainly helped. Having a post go up each day, allowed me to focus on finding my authentic voice. It still needs some tweaking but at least I know it’s going in the right direction.
  5. Connect with Other Bloggers. I found that the majority of my time during this challenge was spent trying to visit as many other blogs as I could. While time-consuming, it was rewarding and probably one of the biggest benefits of the challenge. It showed me the larger blogging universe and gave me the opportunity to connect with other bloggers.
  6. Highlight Maine. As my blog is focused on all things Maine, I wanted to show my love for the state. The challenge helped me to dig a little deeper and even come up with content I might not have thought about if I wasn’t looking for something for a few of those harder letters.

Now that I’ve reached my A to Z Blogging goals, it’s time to set some new ones. Before I move onto my next challenge, whether externally defined like this one was, or internally motivated, here is a recap of what I did in the month of April 2016.

Click on any picture to jump to a slide show with hyperlinks to the A to Z Challenge Post associated with that image.

As I finish up this recap, I also wanted to thank all my fellow bloggers from the challenge for the support and encouragement they provided during my first A to Z Blogging Challenge. It helped me to stay motivated and on track. For that, I am truly grateful.

26 thoughts on “#atozchallenge | Reflections on my First Time

  1. jhwinterauthor says:

    I really enjoyed reading your posts. Someday I will come by Maine for a visit and now I’ll now where to go 🙂 Thank you so much for coming by, even since the challenge, and checking out my posts. I look forward to your future posts!

    J.H. Winter
    Ink & Stitches – http://blog.jhwinter.com

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jean says:

    It was a really fun challenge! I enjoyed reading your posts and came away with a lot of the same observations about my own blog! I’m looking forward to keeping up with all the good stuff happening in Maine, if only to do a little armchair traveling!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Weekends in Maine says:

      Thank you for all the support during the challenge. It really was a lot of fun. Crazy busy but fun! I enjoyed your posts too and am looking forward to reading more of them now that the dust has settled on the challenge.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. randommusings29 says:

    Congratulations on completing your first challenge 🙂 Reading your reflections has totally taken me back to this time last year. I was new to blogging and I did the challenge and I felt vey much the same things as you. It really helped me become focussed and a year later, I’m still posting daily!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Weekends in Maine says:

      It was a great way to kick off a new blog. I’m so glad that I did the challenge. I’m not sure I’ll continue to post daily, but I am working out a regular, consistent post schedule moving forward. I’m impressed you’re still posting daily. That’s fantastic!!


  4. Trudy says:

    I thought about you yesterday as I watched a rerun of Shark Tank. They highlighted a successful business called “Maine Fresh Lobster” (if memory serves). I enjoyed learning more about Maine with your A to Z blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

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